Οπότε το χάρηκα, όταν διάβασα την σύντομη απομυθοποιητική απόπειρα του συγγραφέα Stephan Wackwitz στο Sign and Sight (μέσω Die Welt) με τίτλο Save Benjamin from his fans!. Αυτό που λέει πάνω-κάτω ο γερμανός είναι ότι ο Benjamin ήταν καλύτερος συγγραφέας ή ποιητής απ' ότι επιστήμονας κι η ρομαντικοποίηση των θεωριών του δεν τις κάνει λιγότερο ξεπερασμένες ή συγκεχυμένες.
Today the bureaucratisation, didactisation and trivialisation of the humanities in the wake of the Bologna reform have reduced the hipness factor of academic environments and careers. The "Benjaminisation" as you could call the process, of creating poetic effects through scientific means. Catalogue texts, art theoretical "essays", curatorial concepts cite Benjamin's texts ad infinitum and occupy an intellectual no-man's-land between scholarship and poetry.
I'm sure you know the reluctance to continue reading a text if the first paragraph is sat under a chunky quote from Benjamin's book on tragedy, and the remaining porridgy thoughts are generously sprinkled with words like "aura", "flaneur" or "shock". You want nothing more to do with it. The mixture of poetising process with scientific claim to truth feels impure if not downright unsavoury.