Feral Tribune was not prepared to compromise. It failed to read "the spirit of the times", as those malicious analysts would say. It is entirely understandable that it failed on the market. Croatia will not become better as a result, though it will become more "commercially interesting".
Το τελευταίο εντιτόριαλ της ανεξάρτητης κροατικής εβδομαδιαίας Feral Tribune που κατέβασε ρολά τον περασμένο Ιούνιο...
...και ο απαραίτητος σκληρός επικήδειος από μια αναγνώστρια και συνεργάτη.
The death of Feral Tribune is a sad loss for its friends and readers, but all Croats are the poorer: while it lived, it made us appear more tolerant and civilized – people with a sense of humour, rather than the indifferent, selfish and cowardly lot we appear with Feral gone for good.